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Amazing Times Are Coming Miscellaneous Ramblings

About Me

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I'm a 20-something happily-married USF grad from the Sunshine State. I love Jesus, real estate, traveling, beauty/ makeup products, home decorating and DIY projects. Follow along for fun product reviews, giveaways and more!

Blog Archive


25 before 25

I turn 25 years old on August 8, 2013 but before I do, here are the 25 things that I wish to accomplish (I will cross out things as I complete them):

  1. Go on a cruise
  2. Go on an overseas Mission trip
  3. Graduate College - Fall 2011
  4. Fly a kite
  5. Go on a 5-mile run (can't make it past 4.25!)
  6. Reach my goal weight of 115lb.
  7. Finish a painting that Danny and I began 
  8. Read the Bible cover to cover
  9. Swim with dolphins
  10. Go to California with the hubs (I've gone plenty of times alone, but this will be much more fun!) June/July 2012
  11. Go to NYC (I only made it to the airport)
  12. See a show on Broadway
  13. Ride a train, plane, subway, bus, motorcycle and boat (also rode a rickshaw & an elephant!)
  14. Learn to play at least one song on an instrument
  15. Buy a second house
  16. Plant a garden
  17. Take a plane ride out of the country with Daniel
  18. Finally give away those cute clothes I have been holding onto forever but will never wear.
  19. Have my own business
  20. Do AT LEAST 24 unexpected kind deeds for others (11/24)
  21. Go to the Holy Land (we always go to Orlando but never make it there)
  22. Go on a spur-of-the-moment trip for a weekend
  23. Make muffins from scratch - made quiche instead :)
  24. Randomly write love letters to my husband and put them in the mailbox for him to find :) (2/3)
  25. Complete 20 DIY projects (7/20)

Who is a God like you, who pardons sin and forgives the transgression of the remnant of his inheritance? You do not stay angry forever but delight to show mercy.

Micah 7:18 (NIV)