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Amazing Times Are Coming Miscellaneous Ramblings

About Me

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I'm a 20-something happily-married USF grad from the Sunshine State. I love Jesus, real estate, traveling, beauty/ makeup products, home decorating and DIY projects. Follow along for fun product reviews, giveaways and more!

Blog Archive


Meeting the Mr.

On Sunday morning, December 3rd, 2006, 4 months after my 18th birthday, Daniel Reyes walked into the church that I have attended since I was only 10 years old.  He also decided to recommit his life to the Lord that day.  I never met him that morning, or even saw him even though we later discovered that we were sitting in the same section!  Our love story really began the following Thursday night, December 7th.

Us with our friends, A.K.A. the mannequins at Old Navy

Sunday mornings at church are always packed out with hundreds of people but on Thursdays there is only about a tenth of the congregation present so it was very easy for me to notice as I walked in that there was a new guy in a polo shirt and jeans standing alone. He looked about my age (he's only 5 months older!) and very attractive from the back since that's all I could see of him so far!  As I walked past him I tried to be as subtle as I could to get a look of his face (but if you know me I can't be subtle no matter how hard I try) and I really liked what I saw so far.  So I attempted to look at him again as I set down my stuff on the seat of the pew and again a few minutes later (oh no, that wasn't noticeable at all).  Oh.My.Goodness! He was hottt! I  knew I had to talk to him but had no idea how that was going to happen without me making myself look ridiculous, desperate or both.
at Animal Kingdom

After what seemed like the longest service ever, we finally closed with a word of prayer and my outgoing mom ran up to him and struck up a conversation.  Then all of a sudden she calls me over, says she will be back and that she wants to show him where Fiji is (where my mom is from) on the map in the church lobby.  I knew this was my opportunity to talk to him, how perfect! I offered to show him the map and he looks uncertain at first and asks if my mom will mind. I replied, maybe a little too fast, that she probably already forgot about it so he went with me and we enjoyed some nervous laughs together and then parted ways.  At this point I was certain he must think I'm the most ridiculously desperate person he's ever met!  As my mom and I pulled out of the parking lot she told me.........he told her that he thought I was beautiful! He told my MOM this! Is he crazy? Or could it be that he really thought I was pretty?
Going running together

Over the next couple weeks we flirted spoke only at church until I couldn't handle it and decided to make a move by asking him if he had Myspace. When he said that he did, I told him I would give him my phone number so he could call me around 10 that night and I could give him my screen name. So slick, huh? I could have just given him the screen name but it was never really about Myspace....I wanted him to CALL me ;)  And it worked!  At 10 p.m. on the dot that night I received a call from Daniel and from there it's history!

Who is a God like you, who pardons sin and forgives the transgression of the remnant of his inheritance? You do not stay angry forever but delight to show mercy.

Micah 7:18 (NIV)