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Amazing Times Are Coming Miscellaneous Ramblings

About Me

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I'm a 20-something happily-married USF grad from the Sunshine State. I love Jesus, real estate, traveling, beauty/ makeup products, home decorating and DIY projects. Follow along for fun product reviews, giveaways and more!

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About Me

I AM...
○ A 20-something girl {24 to be exact} living the married life in Tampa, Florida along with my sweet {most of the time, no one is perfect!} hubster Daniel since Dec. 11, 2010

○  USF Alum {go Bulls!} and a month after I graduated the hubster started back at school (it never ends for us!)

○ 1/2 Indian {mom is from Fiji Islands} and 1/2 White {Dad is from New Zealand}

○A lefty {though my mom used to try and make me write with my right hand!}

○  I have the coolest birthday! 8/8/88

♥ God first and foremost! Then the hubster, of course!
♥ Traveling the world (only 12 countries so far)
♥ Social media
♥ Sushi, Indian food, chocolate, cupcakes, and just about every other type of way-too-good-to-be-healthy-for-you foods!
♥Working out - not the actual exercising part so much, but the fact of knowing I'm one step closer to my goal weight :)
♥ Creating crafts
♥ Roller coasters minus the long lines (hello, Fastpass!)
♥ Meeting up with old friends and making new ones (thanks to blogging I have made a ton of new ones :)
♥ Watching reality TV {shame on me!}
♥ Trying new beauty products (eyeshadows, lipglosses, hair serums, nail polish...I love it ALL!)


• Openly judgmental people. It would be a lie to say we don't judge but keep those thoughts to yourself!
• RUDENESS - that covers just about every category!
•Talking with your mouth full
• Overhead fans...just thinking about them makes me feel dizzy
• Sharing food with your animals...when your dog and you share a plate that's just plain nasty!
• Chewing gum loudly...ugh I can't stand that smacking sound!
• Pleasing others to the point where you lose your sense of self {you have to love yourself in order to love someone else}

►I have been to 3 of the Wonders of the World:  the Taj Mahal, the Great Wall of China, Mt. Everest
►I talk baby-talk to my mom's dogs the minute I see them, regardless of who is around!
►I drew a picture for Danny when we first started dating and it was of the two of us in a house...and it looks EXACTLY like the house we have right now! Crazy, huh?
►I have been known to talk in my sleep
►I always sneeze twice, one immediately after the other so the hubs always wait to say "bless you" until the 2nd one, haha!
►When I blow my nose it sounds like an elephant everytime :(
► I have a bathroom in my garage (currently in the process of removing)

okay...that's all I can think of for now but I will continue to add on!

Who is a God like you, who pardons sin and forgives the transgression of the remnant of his inheritance? You do not stay angry forever but delight to show mercy.

Micah 7:18 (NIV)