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Amazing Times Are Coming Miscellaneous Ramblings

About Me

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I'm a 20-something happily-married USF grad from the Sunshine State. I love Jesus, real estate, traveling, beauty/ makeup products, home decorating and DIY projects. Follow along for fun product reviews, giveaways and more!

Blog Archive


Monday, April 22, 2013

Couponer Problems

So this is by far the longest I have been away from all my blog friends. I missed you all!
I have been completely preoccupied with another hobby and accidentally left my poor blog by the wayside.

I blame it on the coupons!
They are everywhere; my kitchen table, my office, in drawers and you may even find a few hidden away in my sheets on the shelves. I have gone "coupon crazy" and ended up converting my garage into a storehouse of free and almost-free items. And...I. Love.It!!

Here is a glimpse of my life the last 19 days...

retail $55+ I paid $8 and got $13 back

retail $65+ I paid $6.xx

retail $25+ I paid $8.33

retail $75+ I spent $6.50

retail $35+ I paid $4.56
Total for everything was over $250 but I spent less than $35!
I'm about to sound absolutely ridiculous right now, but I can't even explain the feeling I get before going on a "couponing mission" haha! Knowing how much money I have saved and that I can help out friends and family is so amazing!

Sorry to all of you who followed my blog from the beginning because I know that all of a sudden it has taken a nosedive straight into the world of couponing and I honestly never thought that would be a hobby for me.

Good news is I'm trying to taking a week off until Sunday so I can actually go back to living a "normal" life and have a chance to catch up on all my other hobbies (i.e. spending time with my friends, family, running and catching up on all my blogs) plus I really havent even checked my emails in like a week. Can you say "Couponer Problems"? Haha!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Pinterest-inspired Party!

So I threw a somewhat 90s-themed party for my hubby's 25th birthday....a month ago and am just now posting it. Oops! I guess from my horrible blogging track record this should be expected from me :/

But I was pretty happy with how it all turned out and we had a truly fantabulous (fantastic + fabulous) time! Here are the pics to prove it. Oh, and all props/ decor were done by me! Ok, ok I had a little help from Pinterest. Enjoy the captions :)

Danny's birthday sign. After all the work it took, you better believe it will be hanging up at his parties for the next 5 years!
Table centerpieces and pom poms.

making his grand entrance...and even brought his own balloons. Ha!

me and my mom

us with the niece/ nephew
Treats from back in the day. Completely forgot to take pics of the real food. Oops!

It's all fun and games until Danny can't blow out his candle
proof that we can actually take a decent picture together :)

Danny's 90s cake

Vanilla + fresh strawberries + whipped frosting = ahhhmazing!

Danny and his aunts having fun with the props

gotta love photobombs from mustached men. Ha!

Can't wait to plan for next year!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Spring Favorite Things Link-Up!

Hello sunshine, hello flowers, hello Spring! It is time to put those winter coats into the back of the closet and pull out those shorts. Now that Spring has sprung we need to wipe off the cobwebs from winter and what better way is there than by sharing your favorite things about Spring in this one-day linkup!

Meet Your Hosts (brought together by a Blog Billion Networking Group): Kate @ Mrs. Monologues Krystal @ Krystal's Kitsch Nichole @ Casa de Crews Christine @ Life With a Side of Coffee Rachel @ Can't Google Everything Amanda @ A Beautiful Mess Vicki @ My Vickilicious Life Asha @ The Dansha Diaries Megan @ Megan Card

Some of my favorite things about Spring are:
  • This is the time of year I start planning summer vacays :)
  • Even though the weather in Florida is pretty much just one temperature - HOT - the Spring breezes make perfect beach weather 
  • Family always comes together for Easter
  • It's still nice enough to go to the park and not be sticky from the humidity and attacked by mosquitoes.
  • I can have parties and use pastel colors without it looking like I'm having a baby shower LOL love these Spring party ideas:



Grab the button and come link-up your favorite things about spring!
Mrs. Monologues
Who is a God like you, who pardons sin and forgives the transgression of the remnant of his inheritance? You do not stay angry forever but delight to show mercy.

Micah 7:18 (NIV)