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I'm a 20-something happily-married USF grad from the Sunshine State. I love Jesus, real estate, traveling, beauty/ makeup products, home decorating and DIY projects. Follow along for fun product reviews, giveaways and more!

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Friday, November 2, 2012

FREE PRINTABLES for the Laundry Room!!!

Happy Friday! 
I always love to end the week on a positive note so what's better than making laundry {one of my most dreaded chores} a little more fun?

The only good that comes out of turning clothes inside out, separating colors, washing, drying and folding is...the spare change left in pockets. Finders, keepers haha!
framed and ready to be hung up!

So I created these 2 printables to add a little cheer to the infamous laundry room. Hope you enjoy them! To use just click on each photo and it will become enlarged. Then right-click and save to your computer. Simple as that :)

Have a great weekend!


Hall Around Texas said...

Thank you for sharing! I love printables :) I have several throughout my house.

Glad we found each other in the blog world :)

Crystal @ MasonsMama

Unknown said...

Adorable! Love your cute page!
XOX Angela

Nikki said...

Love this!

I just gave you for a Liebster Award.

Lauren @ Style Elixir said...

Hi Asha! These are super cute!! Such a fun idea. Thanks so much for visiting my blog recently, I really appreciate it :) I'm now following you back on GFC and Twitter, I look forward to reading more!

Lauren @

Mónica said...

Thanks! I have just hung it! Love it!

Tucker C said...

Thanks for shaaring

Who is a God like you, who pardons sin and forgives the transgression of the remnant of his inheritance? You do not stay angry forever but delight to show mercy.

Micah 7:18 (NIV)