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I'm a 20-something happily-married USF grad from the Sunshine State. I love Jesus, real estate, traveling, beauty/ makeup products, home decorating and DIY projects. Follow along for fun product reviews, giveaways and more!

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Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Prayer Request

I had a post all lined up for today - my first post in a over a week. But 15 minutes ago I just got life-changing news and think I will save the laughter for tomorrow - when I will need it! 

I just found out that a family from my church lost their 17-year-old son today and they need all the thoughts and prayers that they can get right now.  At first I was in complete shock because I have known this family for over 10 years and I couldn't imagine not seeing Kendrick's smiling face again. I know that Heaven is much better than anything this earth could ever offer but that doesn't take away from a parent's pain of losing their child and never getting the privilege of seeing them graduate high school or college, get married or have children. No parent should have to go through that, especially right before Christmas.

Here are the mother's facebook posts that brought me to tears:

"First let me say I appreciate all the phone calls, texts, emails, visits, and prayers especially. I am just waking up from no sleep for a couple days and my phone is OFF so guess I should start with what happened 1st to bring you into where we are. On Sunday our family had a great day in the Lord, around 11 pm God gave Kendrick his last ounce of strength to bang on the wall to get our attention and wake us up. When I got to his room his was begging for help saying he couldn't breathe and he could not hold on any longer. I told him what I wanted him to do as his Dad starting getting dressed to take him to the E.R. and he clinched his fist and cried to me Mom I can't, Mom I just can't hold on and he began to have a seizure and pass out right in front of me. I called for Kenny to call 911 and get help. He did as I started trying CPR to save my son, my neighbors came over and began to help as they are medical RN's. Kendrick was unresponsive for almost 3 to 5 minutes and with chest compression's we got him to get a space of air and hear him gurgling but he still was unresponsive to us calling him by name. Panic set in as the fire dept. & ambulance who is 0.3 miles away seem to be taking forever. I immediately called for my Pastor and the Ambulance showed up they bagged him rearranged my house to get him on a stretcher and out of here. My Pastor's wife and good friend came and took the baby and to the hosp. we all go."

"Now at the E.R. we are in a consult room waiting for the Dr's report he came in to say Kendrick coded on them in the ambulance and then again in the E.R. they had to give him paddles and an injection to his heart to get him back to not worry if we saw his chest red. They put him on a ventilator and began to admit him to the E.R., during the course of the night Kendrick began have seizures back to back lasting 2-3 minutes coming every 2-3 minutes. very strong ones, so they prepared us that there could be brain damage because we don't have exact timing on his brain being without oxygen. The goal was to stop the seizures so they could find the problem to help him, Kendrick's body would not accept any of the medications they tried so that last one seemed to start working and then he was back to having them. They decided to increase the dosage and it seemed to work throughout the night and his eyes started to come back where he could look at us and this morning everything started to go backwards so he at this very moment is being rushed back for an emergency CT scan. We are in a serious holding pattern while they testand try to figure out what happened and why."

This was the final post I saw an hour ago - it broke my heart!

"Just want to thank everyone for their prayers and support Kendrick is safe and completely healed with Jesus now. Not my will cause I would never let him go but Gods will. "

Please pray for this family!


jessica said...

That is just the worst thing ever, I'm so sorry to hear this. I'm definitely keeping this family in my prayers.

Nikki said...

This is terrible. I'll be praying. Please keep us posted.

Vicki said...

My heart is breaking for this child's family! Will be keeping them all in my prayers!

Jo Lane said...

How heartbreaking! My heart goes out to this family. They are in my prayers!

Gail@Sophisticated Steps said...

As a mother, I can only imagine the worst pain is losing a child. Please know I will keep this family in my prayers. So thankful that they have the peace of knowing he IS with our Lord.

Jo said...

What a terrible thing to go through!