As every newlywed soon finds out, everything you thought marriage would be like couldn't be farther from how it actually is! Since Danny and I have been married one of the hardest things we (okay, mostly me) battle with is trying to find a balance between dealing with the pressures of life and being a loving, encouraging spouse.
I found this great 30-day Challenge from Revive Our Hearts that I will be doing starting TODAY on how to be a more encouraging wife. I know it takes 21 days to make (or break) a habit so I'm hoping that through this I will make the habit to be more loving and not just give up after the next 30 days! If you want to join me on this month-long journey let me know by posting a comment :) So here is Day 1:
"The heart of her husband safely trusts her; so he will have no lack of gain. She does
him good and not evil all the days of her life." Prov. 31:11-12
Here are the rules for the 30-Day Encouragement Challenge:
* You can't say anything negative about your husband your husband...or to anyone else, about your husband.
* Say something that you admire or appreciate about your your husband...and to someone else, about your husband!
To help you get started, have you ever thanked your husband for "choosing you" above all other women? He found you attractive as a person, and appreciated you. Though many circumstances in your marriage may have changed, let your husband know that you are glad God led you together, and that you want to be a blessing to him for the rest of your marriage. Let him know that he can trust you to be in his corner. One of the best opportunities to express your gratitude is first thing in the morning. How do you greet your husband each morning? Is he confident in your love? Give him a "wake up call" that he'll never forget-a big "I love you" and an "I'm so glad I'm your wife!"
I'll let you know my progress and look forward to hearing how everyone else does!
love always,

Hey! thanks for the comment! I love this post and want to try and do the challenge too! also, I'm trying to see where I can follow your blog and couldn't find it on here? please help :)
Good luck! :-)
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